
Code Documentation

Bake is a build tool which is similar in scope to jhbuild. Its distinctive feature is to provide more flexibility than other similar tools in setting up a specific build. It uses XML-based metadata about a set of software packages to automate the process of downloading, and building in the right order a selected subset of these packages. Bake is written is python. I originally designed it to replace the ns-3 build system and to provide an integration framework for the many ns-3 simulation modules maintained by third-parties.

Virtualization ELF loader


I originally implemented VDL to virtualize global and static variables for the ns-3 DCE module. Later on, I added simpler virtualization techniques to ns-3 to avoid the complexity of maintaining this project but VDL is still the most efficient (cpu and memory wise, by an order of magnitude) way to virtualize applications within ns-3.

This loader is source and binary compatible with the GNU ELF loader which ships with the glibc library used in most Linux distributions.

ns-3 DCE module

Code Documentation

I implemented this ns-3 model as part of my Ph.D. thesis. DCE is a framework for ns-3 that provides facilities to execute, within ns-3, existing implementations of userspace and kernelspace network protocols or applications without source code changes.


Code Documentation

ns-3 is a discrete-time event-driven network simulator which is slowly replacing ns2 as the reference network simulator for networking research. While they share the same name, these two projects are in fact entirely different codebases. I served as software lead for ns-3 so, if you feel it sucks, it is probably my fault. I worked a lot on the simulation core: event management, packet structure, and I ported to ns-3 the wifi models I originally wrote for YANS.



A couple of years ago, I was fed up with the many architectural flaws of ns2 which made it hard to develop new simulation modules so I built Yans (Yet Another Network Simulator), a prototype network simulator to demonstrate how I felt it could be done better. A lot of ideas and concepts originally implemented within Yans were later integrated in ns-3.

The Bozo Profiler


The bozo-profiler is not really a profiler. It is more a library to perform in-process debugging and code path analysis.

It can be used to get a dump of the runtime call graph of any program for which you have the source code. It requires a complete recompilation of your code and generates a set of binary dump files which represent the program call graph. Right now, this profiler has been successfully used with various applications such as: nautilus, mozilla, open office, eog, and gimp.

These binary dumps can then be converted to human-readable text files. For now, the most interesting output file format you can select is the so-called dot format which can be used as input to graphviz to generate nice-looking pdf org png representations of the call graphs.